The Vision

What would it be like if every community member listened to stories of those who experienced the Holocaust and other genocides and was transformed through those stories? What if these stories made them passionate about taking action within their spheres of influence to prevent future genocides? 

Our Work in the Community

Delivering creative, innovative, and transformative education is a goal we take seriously. Whether it’s building a Holocaust book display in a local high school library, presenting a talk on Jewish resistance during the Holocaust at the library, or creating curriculum for educators so they can teach students about antisemitism and the Holocaust using powerful first-person testimonies, this nonprofit is committed to bringing positive impact to Northern California and beyond.


Sharing topics related to the Holocaust and other genocides whether it’s through the library, local schools, or another community space is our passion!


Learning about the Holocaust through first-person testimonies and quality works of literature enables students to engage with a personal layer of the Holocaust that creates space for authentic learning.


Defining and identifying manifestations of antisemitism is one topic among many that our workshops tackle, resulting in meaningful engagement for transformation among members of a community or school.